Monday, March 3, 2008

When an asterisk isn't enough to mock Barry Bonds

Over the weekend I traveled up to scenic Solvang, a little piece of Disneyworld lodged in the California hills above Santa Barbara. Its charm lies in a hammy re-creation of a Danish village, complete with Scandinavian foods, touristy tchotchkes, and the odd shop taking a cheap shot at Barry Bonds.

In the latter case, it was a kitschy shoppe called the Wishing Well, featuring this Barry Bonds figurine in the front window for only $225. If you look carefully, there is a very subtle editorial contribution near his feet.

There are a few things wrong with this picture, not the least of which is the scale of the hypodermic, which would hold proportionally about four gallons of growth hormone. Next to that, a tag reads "Steroid Special - as clear as the HGH he used!!!" And beneath that, the artiste has included Bonds' autograph. 

You'd think an asterisk would suffice.

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